Intel Brief:

Get the latest on FrostyGoop, the 9th known ICS Malware, employed in a recent incident impacting OT.

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Team Member

Monserrat Thomason

Marketing Coordinator

monserrat thomason bw headshot

Monserrat Thomason, who was recruited by Dragos is currently a marketing coordinator. Professionally skilled in event coordination, project management, strategic marketing, and social media marketing. Her passion lies in raising brand awareness for Dragos so that it can effectively safeguard civilization against cyber-attacks on industrial control systems.

Aside from Marketing Monserrat is a mom, wife, avid traveler, dog lover and self-proclaimed bread connoisseur. She enjoys volunteering at Gigi’s Playhouse, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to change the way the world views a Down syndrome diagnosis with a global message of acceptance for all.

Want Monserrat’s frontline perspective for an upcoming event or news feature? Send your request to

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