Intel Brief:

Get the latest on FrostyGoop, the 9th known ICS Malware, employed in a recent incident impacting OT.

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Team Member

Michael Logoyda

Senior Threat Analytics Engineer

Michael Logoyda Headshot

Michael Logoyda is a Senior Threat Analytics Engineer at the industrial cyber security company Dragos, Inc. where he translates malicious behaviors exhibited by ICS-focused activity groups and malware into detections for the Dragos Platform.

Previous to his role at Dragos, Michael was a Network Security Analyst at the National Security Agency where he utilized innovative analytic tradecraft to detect and mitigate previously unknown malicious network activity. He then worked as a Network Security Research Engineer for LogRhythm and then Protectwise to expand detection capabilities for their severity event management and network security monitoring platforms, respectively.

Michael is a graduate of the National Science Foundation and Department of Homeland Security Scholarship for Service program, where he interned at CERT, a division of the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.

Formal Education

  • Masters of Science Telecommunications and Networking Security Assured Information Systems University of Pittsburgh
  • Bachelors of Science Information Sciences University of Pittsburgh

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