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The Dragos Blog

04.24.19 | 0 min read

OSIsoft PI World 2019 Recap

Dragos, Inc.

Presentations from Dragos & SRP by Mark Johnson-Barbier, Dan Gunter and Justin Dumas

On April 8 – 12 2019, Dragos attended PI World hosted by Dragos partner OSIsoft. PI World is the annual PI System conference which allows attendees to meet and network with other PI System experts as well as share innovative practices around using data to make valuable insights.

At PI World Dan Gunter, Dragos Principal Threat Analyst,  spoke alongside Mark Johnson-Barbier of Salt River Project on Utilizing Operations Data for Enhanced Cyber Threat Detection and Response in ICS.

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Justin Dumas, Dragos Senior Sales Account Representative, also presented at the event sharing insight from Dragos’ 2018 Industrial Cyber Security – A Year in Review.

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